
Software Engineering Intern

May - July 2017 • Bellevue, WA

What I liked

Microsoft is a giant company with a wealth of extremely interesting opportunities. This size and the well-established nature of their intern program make it an excellent place to experiment, learn, and grow over the course of a summer.

What I wish was different

I wish their had been more opportunity to learn about the company strategic plans as a whole and network with more executive people. Aside from frequent Q/A sessions, conversations are pretty much limited to your team members.


Communicate with those around you, even if you're shy. The only interns I saw not receive return offers were the ones who tried to do everything themselves and were resistant to asking for help.
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May - August 2017 • Redmond, WA

What I liked

Got to work on a real project, really cool people

What I wish was different

Felt not very important to the team


meet as many people as you can
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Software Engineer

June - August 2018 • Cambridge, MA

What I liked

This was an incredible experience as part of the Microsoft Garage program.

What I wish was different


Apply early! And make sure to leverage the people you know at Brown, even if its just to get you through the front door. In my case, all it did was secure me a phone interview, but eight interviews later and I was in :)
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Campus Rep

August 2017 • Tallahassee, FL

What I liked

It's been so amazing to be a campus rep for Microsoft! Not only do you get your own Microsoft Device along with a set of tech accessories, but you get clothes with the campus rep logo. They provide you with everything you need to succeed, such as trainings for what ever task is needed, and allow you to get creative with how you'd like to market the Microsoft brand throughout your social media platforms as well as on campus.

What I wish was different

As of now, I don't wish anything would be different. The program keeps getting better, and incentives for campus reps/ perks are awesome. The program is designed to give Microsoft a better name to consumers and does a fantastic job at succeeding, if the campus rep does what is needed of them, of course.


Communicate effectively with your "manager." Things get rough, school takes over and sometimes you feel overwhelmed with both the internship and school- They'll understand if you give them a heads up and work hard overall!
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Explorer Intern

May - August 2017 • Redmond, WA

What I liked

Interns were treated extremely well. Even though the company employees over 2,000 interns every Summer, each individual is treated with the upmost importance with each intern given many mentors, buddies, counselors, recruiters, and various other resources to maximize your time there. I was able to learn a great deal about the company and what it means to be a member of the community through collaborating alongside full time employees from various teams, attending presentations given by people from all levels of leadership and other global leaders such as Al Gore, and working on interesting and meaningful projects. The intern events were pretty amazing as well, these including sailing trips, boat parties, entire workdays of games and activities, hiking trips, game nights, and of course the Signature Event which is a private concert for all 2,000 interns (whom, by the way, are flown out from where ever they're working) at a completely reserved location followed by the giving of a gift. This year, the event had the Chainsmokers perform at the Boeing Renton Factory, after which we were given Xbox One S's with additional free content. Yeah, this experience was unlike any other.

What I wish was different

Although the project I had been working on was interesting and valuable to the team of which I was a part, I wish that I had the opportunity to utilize my skills with more than just that project and its specific technologies so that I could demonstrate skill in various areas as well as experience what it is like to work on various projects at Microsoft.


Make the most of your time there. I mean this in terms of both exploring Microsoft (ha, get it) and the area around you. The company offers so much transparency and allows its employees to know what is happening in the company, where it is headed, and why it does what it does - this last point I believe being the most important part. In terms of the area, Seattle, Redmond and all the neighboring cities (even those a bit further out like Vancouver and Portland) are dense with activity and beauty. Commuting everyday from Seattle to Redmond (I stayed at an apartment in downtown Seattle) was never a bore because of getting to see Mt. Reiner in the skyline every time. Interning at Microsoft provides you with so many opportunities and a plethora of experiences, so much so I keep having to add content to the "What did you life?" question. Make the most of it, for you'll only get as much as you give.
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Explorer Intern

May - August 2017 • Redmond, WA

What I liked

The explorer internship at Microsoft lets intern try both software development and product management, which is pretty unique.

What I wish was different

I wish I had spent more time getting to know other interns - there were so many interesting people interning at the same time.


Ask lots of questions, take advantage of mentorship opportunities, and explore the city and the surrounding area.
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Software development intern

June - September 2017 • Redmond, WA

What I liked

My team, MS culture, and my work content. Also, WA is amazing

What I wish was different

Remond/Bellevue is more fun. More night life. If I want night life I have to drive to Seattle


Be honest, ask for help. Be efficient
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Software Engineer Intern

June - September 2017 • Redmond, WA

What I liked

Hands on experience with helpful mentor

What I wish was different

Better team placement


Team placement is very important, stress the roles you are interested in.
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Project Manager Marketing Intern

May - August 2017 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

Autonomy, feedback, learning growth

What I wish was different

not in seattle


be open minded
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Garage Intern

June - August 2017 • Cambridge, MA

What I liked

I can't speak highly enough about my experience at Microsoft. I grew as a software engineer, as a member of a team, and as a person. I learned how to quickly learn new technologies and apply those technologies immediately to developing real projects. I learned how collaboratively build good software, using version control software effectively and adopting best practices for creating robust, readable, maintainable code. I also was able to play a strong role in designing the project my team worked on. I learned how to conduct user research, to put the consumer first, and to consider what I am making, for whom, why, and how to best create something the user will love. I was able to improve drastically on my interpersonal and professional skills. My managers and teammates were incredibly supportive, and I learned to listen to others' ideas, to accept and seek out feedback, and to foster a positive team dynamic conducive to a productive work environment.

What I wish was different

I wish there had been a bit more mentorship for people who didn't have as much software engineering experience. I definitely felt in over my head during the first part of the internship, though that's largely my fault for not seeking out mentorship from my teammates and managers.


Dive head first into Microsoft. Work hours aren't crazy, but stay late: not to work, but to hang out with friends. Chill in the VR room and play video games with your teammates. Go out and grab dinner with other people in the office. The more you put into Microsoft, it's people, and it's culture, the more you'll get out of it. Trust me, it's tons of fun. On a more professional note: ask questions. Don't be afraid to admit you don't know something. Nobody's going to think you're clueless, and everyone around you will be happy to lend a helping hand if you feel like you're in over your head. Owning up to your shortcomings and seeking out help and feedback is the best way for you to improve.
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Explorer Intern

June - September 2017 • Redmond, WA

What I liked

I liked the people that I was able to meet and get to work with. I really liked the company culture and how easy it was to get help from the people that you were working with.

What I wish was different

I do not have any complaints.


Go in ready to meet as many people with different career paths as possible.
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Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • Cambridge, MA

What I liked

I really loved my team, the laid back corporate culture, and the office. I also got to fly out to Seattle for basically a week-long paid vacation.

What I wish was different

I didn't love the product I was working on - I thought it was really boring.


When it comes time to pick a team for your return offer, reach out to specific people and teams! You really can pick exactly the team you want to work on, which is a great thing that Microsoft offers over many other companies.
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May - August 2018 • Redmond, WA

What I liked

lots of fun intern events, networking opportunities, and I learned a lot. My team was supportive and engaged

What I wish was different

I didn't get a say in team placement


Do it!!!
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May - August 2018 • Redmond, WA

What I liked

Great experience, got to learn about PM and Dev through the "Explore Microsoft" Intern program

What I wish was different



Give it a shot, it can't hurt to apply.
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Software Engineer Intern

May - August 2018 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

Great work culture. The company is full of very knowledgeable people who are eager to help!

What I wish was different


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Explorer Intern

May - August 2018 • Redmond, WA

What I liked

I really enjoyed how open and welcoming everyone at Microsoft was. Co-workers were always willing to provide their expertise to help me with my project and share their own experiences with me. The mentorship was simply amazing!

What I wish was different


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Program Manager Intern

May - August 2018 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

Great culture, perks, and cool team

What I wish was different

Closer to home


Try out everything in Seattle. Beautiful city and awesome people
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Software Engineer Intern

May - August 2018 • Beijing, China

What I liked

Good environment

What I wish was different


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Program manager

June - August 2018 • Seattle, WA

What I liked


What I wish was different



Really good!
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Explore Intern

May - August 2018 • Bellevue, WA

What I liked

Work was interesting, I was given a lot of support to complete my project, intern benefits were incredible, and I learned so much.

What I wish was different

I wish I hadn't felt like I needed to work 12 hour days to complete the tasks my manager gave me.


Especially in a large company, network with everyone you can. You can learn a lot from other people's experiences.
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