Center for Urban Teaching

Middle School Special Education Teacher

June - July 2021 • Brown Deer, WI

What I liked

Learning instructional skills to better implement classroom material. Building relationships with students, co-workers, and leaders.

What I wish was different

Work hours.


Helpful for determining whether urban education is for you.
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1st Grade Teacher

June - July 2021 • Milwaukee, WI

What I liked

During the extensive two-week training, we learned in a way that I think is unique to a teaching training. For example, we had to learn our what kind of “color” our coworkers were in order to help us in critical conversations. There are only 4 colors and we take a test and that is how we know what we are.

What I wish was different

I do wish the training was not as intense as it was and that maybe they spread it over the course of three weeks instead of two because it was also very draining. We were in a training from 7:30 am till 5 pm with a 30 minute lunch. It was also a lot of information at once.


This program is definitely not for everyone. For example it is Christ-centered and so religion plays a big role, also there are plenty of outside expenses to look out for including housing, travel, and classroom expenses. Also it depends on if you’re good with kids k-8th!
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Summer School Teacher

June - July 2021 • Milwaukee, WI

What I liked

I was able to teach in a classroom and be able to truly have a teacher experience. The students were very sweet and everyone in the program just wanted to see you succeed.

What I wish was different

There was some aspects of training that I did not find necessary.


Be confident and trust yourself. It is a weird experience but go all in!
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Summer School Training

June - August 2020 • Williams Bay, WI

What I liked

I liked being able to work and learn from people who are already in the education field. It was a great opportunity to learn from people who have experience in the teaching field.

What I wish was different

This year it was online, ideally, I would have liked for it to be in person. However, I think that how they did it online worked out very well and I still learned a lot.


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Summer School Teacher

June - July 2020 • Milwaukee, WI

What I liked

This opportunity is amazing for anyone who wants to increase their confidence in a classroom setting and learn the in's and out's of teaching. Their leadership team is incredible and will support you every step of the way as you work towards becoming a teacher. Not only will you meet some of the most caring and compassionate people in this experience, but you will also have an extremely strong support system that will do so much to see you succeed as a teacher and as a person.

What I wish was different

Summer School 2020 had to take place completely virtually due to the pandemic so I wish that we had the opportunity to still work with children however that was not the reality this past summer.


Take risks, take risks, take risks!!! Teaching can feel really scary when you are new at it but the more you jump right in and "fake it till you make it" you will be feeling more confident in no time and before you know it you will be doing the things you never thought you could do!
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7th Grade teacher

June - July 2019 • Milwaukee, WI

What I liked

The entire experience

What I wish was different

I wish I would have paid more attention at the professional development presentations


Be prepared to be busy
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1st Grade Teacher

June - July 2019 • Milwaukee, WI

What I liked

I really enjoyed working with children and getting experience in front of the classroom.

What I wish was different

I wish they paid me a fair amount for the work out in.


It's a noble job. Pay won't really cover living expenses
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2nd Grade Teacher

June - July 2019 • Milwaukee, WI

What I liked

I liked that they were there for a support team and also that there was training

What I wish was different



You will meet people from different colleges and they will get you out of your comfort zone but that is good
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Summer School Teacher

June - August 2018 • Milwaukee, WI

What I liked

It was a good experience working in Milwaukee urban schools, where many families have a low SES, and live differently from people who might go to Marquette, say. It was definitely eye-opening, and forced me to be open-minded in making judgments about the kids I worked with.

What I wish was different

The school I worked at was short-staffed. That put incredible stress and pressure on us teachers, and some of us, including me, were fairly inexperienced. While my supervisors were very helpful, there was little support from the rest of the organization.


Be open to working with people outside of the background you're used to. Take time to understand children's points of view, and be patient.
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Summer School Teacher

June - July 2018 • Milwaukee, WI

What I liked

I loved the training I received two weeks prior to working in my own classroom, which really prepared me for the work within the classroom. It really prepared me to manage the classroom, which, as someone who has not yet applied to the Teacher Education Program, was much needed going into this internship. I also loved the opportunity to experience the difficulties of inner city education and help kiddos realize the potential they hold as young kids.

What I wish was different

Because I was also involved with a Summer Mission, I didn't feel as if I had enough to prepare for the classes, and I felt like some resources necessary for this internship were not easily available to me.


Go into this experience with an open mind. It can be really intimidating going into this internship, especially when you have little to no experience with teaching in a classroom, but be open to hearing others advice and invest in your relationships with your co-workers, because you can learn so much from them. Don't let intimidation stand in the way of investing in your future and the future of your scholars!
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Summer School Teacher

June - July 2018 • Wawatosa, WI

What I liked

It gave me a lot of urban teaching practice on classroom management . It also was a life changing movement and provided me a closer relationship with God. My co-workers also became so close that we were like family.

What I wish was different

What I wish could have been different was to be able to do it longer and had a bit more time to prepare lessons.


If you have the opportunity to do this internship, do it! I will change your life and make you a better teacher because of the prep-time you get before you teach. If you are hesitant in going into urban teaching it is alright, I did to. Since this experience though, I feel a lot more comfortable teaching in urban education.
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Elementary School Teacher

June - July 2018 • Milwaukee, WI

What I liked

I love interacting with children & learning more about myself in the process.

What I wish was different

Longer internship.


It’s a great experience for any major.
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Middle School Teacher Intern

June - July 2018 • Milwaukee, WI

What I liked

I have always thought about teaching but at the high school or college level. This was my first opportunity to work with 6th graders, and I fell in love with them. This experience was amazing because you are provided a huge network of teachers to learn from and given tools for classroom management! Plus, I fell in love with my students!!

What I wish was different

I wish I had not mentioned in the application that I was available to teach in Racine, WI or Milwaukee, WI. As an out of state employee, I was housed in Milwaukee but I worked in Racine. This is an hour commute each way.


This is a Christian organization. It isn’t as religiously pluralistic as Georgetown is. But the people are doing FANTASTIC work! Come in with an open mind. Know what your religious values are. But also be ready to grow as a person - realizing that people may have slightly different theological beliefs than you do but you are still working together towards an amazing goal.
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